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1968 All new book updates posted on saac ?


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
What happened to the two guys that Paul took over the registry from? Up until a few months ago there was a page on this site that talked about the guys Paul took over the registry for. The page is gone now I believe.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
where is that beat-a-dead-horse icon.

Where are those people that that tire of the one person that tries to steal away the joy and the love of the cars? The people that tire of the one person bent only on profit and adulation of the information that is the collective property of the group? The people that tire of the being assaulted for bringing questions and new information that may be contrary to conventional wisdom?

Tim, never leave! We are the owners of the site and ALL the information contained in it! Nothing is copyrighted. Jon and this site are the true owners and undisputed authority of the GT and HCS Special.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Latest update on SAAC
Bolding mine.
Paul Newitt @ SAAC Forums said:
Thanks, Casey!!

As for registrations (thanks for asking,GT350SHELBY), I'll always accept them (1968, 2007-2009), it's just that there needs to be a cutoff time for insertion into the book. I've purposely chosen to make the registry the last part of the book's completion to let a few get in under the wire. If you have your GT/CS's registration materials handy, please send them to me right away. I need your VIN, door data plate info, options list, and perhaps a copy of your Marti Report, etc... Late model owners--just a copy of the invoice, or Ford paperwork that states it's a GT/California Special. Photos; either as prints or photo CDs are accepted. IF you have any interesting video of your GT/CS (all years), I'll accept a DVD-R for the DVD project. Be sure to include your name and address, and email address as well.

No need for Express mail, maybe Priority Mail (US), to me at:
Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registry
P.O. Box 427
Danville, CA 94526
(and yes, I chose that box number...LOL).

I'll list each CS by VIN, then data plate info, and options, etc. I'll try to include a line or two of interesting facts or experiences about your CS as well. Photos will be placed in VIN order, so you can see how yours fits into the grand scheme of things from the Factory. THAT will be interesting!!!

Registrations that don't make it after the book is completed WILL be kept for the next publication of the Registry (at a later date). Again, the GT/CS Registry WILL always accept registrations in the future.

Casey is right--there is SO much going on. THis is a VERY meticulous book, and it's going well. So many things of specific interest--like how the So Cal culture prompted this car; a social history of 1968, how the GT/Sport coupe came about...and the blueprints. I've also got Concours info and diagrams with EVERY part shown, what color it is and where it goes. This alone will change how our cars will be more competitive at shows.

I recently sent out over 100 emails to those who pre-ordered, and received many very supportive responses. It is very gratifying to get that kind of support. There are some aspects of the GT/CS "hobby" that I'll need to address after the book is completed. In the meantime, I truly appreciate the faith in what I'm hearing from all of you.

More to follow soon....info (with photos) about the Registry that I think you'll like seeing!

Thank you all so very much!


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Thanks for posting Arlie. The bolded comment was likely a result of a conversation I had with Paul this past week. I have been making some suggestions on how to manage the registry after he finishes his book - ie, online web-based. The old "dewey decimal" type system for a registry has been outpaced in some ways by technology that connects us socially now......like our social family here on this site. Thanks, Casey

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
If that was what Paul was refering to, I bet he would have said so in some detail. He is a detail guy. I, like Arlie, think it is more than that. Based on his track record. Sad but true.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
If that was what Paul was refering to, I bet he would have said so in some detail. He is a detail guy. I, like Arlie, think it is more than that. Based on his track record. Sad but true.


I don't want to read too much into it because it could mean a hundred different things, but in my cynical brain it did appear to be a little backhanded dig at those of us in the GT/CS "hobby".

I hope Casey's take on the comment is correct and Paul is starting to understand that there are issues he needs to address once the book is finished.