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California special vs High country special

Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
What is the difference in the the two ford mustangs?
1) was one more desirible that the order?
2)Lower production numbers?
4 are drive train and interior options different?

I am not too fimular with the High Country Special, in fact never say one!
one last question is are California specials more closely related to the shelby and is that why they may command a higher valve, not sure that question was was frased correctly, but I am sure going to fine out.

Bob Geco
new Member looking for car.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
First, welcome to the forum! This will be just an opinion, and not the answers you seek, since those answers are probably so subjective that no answer exists. (1) The CS seems to be the most desireable car, but for reasons other than the obvious. I suspect their popularity comes in part from the fact that they are more well known. Many people in the Mustang hobby can at least quote some "fact" about the CS, but few know that the HC is on this planet, let alone know anything of the circumstances that made it happen nor have they so much as seen an example of the HC mustang. Before something can be desireable it must be recognized and folks must be educated about a specific vehicle. So, yes, I think that the CS is the more desireable, and therefore easier to sell for more money than a comparable HC.
(2) I think there were about 250 HC Mustangs built. CS production was, in round numbers, 4000. So yes, the production of the HC vs the CS are quite lopsided. Rarity sometimes means increased value, but in this case rarity may mean the model is obscure and few seeking a Mustang would appreciate the rarity of the HC and would not pay more for the rarity, in fact they may pay lessdue to inability to recognize rarity.
(3)The drive train, options and interiors are the same between the two cars.
Remember, most of this is only how one person views the pecking order in the Mustang world. You can be sure that someone else is going to weigh in with their take on your questions.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
The 1968 cars are identical except for 2 items. The HCS does not have the "California Special" script on the quarter panels, and it has 'badges' on the side scoops instead of the letters "GT/CS".

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
First, welcome to the forum! This will be just an opinion, and not the answers you seek, since those answers are probably so subjective that no answer exists. (1) The CS seems to be the most desireable car, but for reasons other than the obvious. I suspect their popularity comes in part from the fact that they are more well known. Many people in the Mustang hobby can at least quote some "fact" about the CS, but few know that the HC is on this planet, let alone know anything of the circumstances that made it happen nor have they so much as seen an example of the HC mustang. Before something can be desireable it must be recognized and folks must be educated about a specific vehicle. So, yes, I think that the CS is the more desireable, and therefore easier to sell for more money than a comparable HC.
(2) I think there were about 250 HC Mustangs built. CS production was, in round numbers, 4000. So yes, the production of the HC vs the CS are quite lopsided. Rarity sometimes means increased value, but in this case rarity may mean the model is obscure and few seeking a Mustang would appreciate the rarity of the HC and would not pay more for the rarity, in fact they may pay lessdue to inability to recognize rarity.
(3)The drive train, options and interiors are the same between the two cars.
Remember, most of this is only how one person views the pecking order in the Mustang world. You can be sure that someone else is going to weigh in with their take on your questions.

...That was very well stated. I would like to add that when I'm driving a California Special - the car is immediately recognized (due to the script and scoop lettering) and likewise appreciated.

When driving the HCS - there is an element of curiosity that compels people to move in for a closer look and ask questions. They are always pleasantly surprised and intrigued with its history. Laminated copies of the original ads really take it home as well :)


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
The HCS was produced for 3 years in a row, 66,67 and 68. The GT/CS was produced for only one year, 1968.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
The HCS was produced for 3 years in a row, 66,67 and 68. The GT/CS was produced for only one year, 1968.

However, the 66 and 67 HCS's do not have thefog lights, blacked out grills, pony delete from grill, fiberglass side scoops, hood locks, fiberglass trunk lid with spolier and 65 t bird taillights, that the 68 has.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
However, the 66 and 67 HCS's do not have thefog lights, blacked out grills, pony delete from grill, fiberglass side scoops, hood locks, fiberglass trunk lid with spolier and 65 t bird taillights, that the 68 has.

In 66 and 67 the High Country Specials could be ordered as a coupe, convertible or fastback. The 68`s only as a coupe. :smile:
Bob G

Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
Than you all for the responsee to my Questions regarding comparsions between HCS & GT/CS Ford Mustang 1968. my mind is now settled on a 1968 GT/CS with a 289-V8 . I read an article I got in Mustang times Febraury 2006 (Gold Rush) a total of 4325 were built how many still are reported to exsist is any one's guess?
The GT/Cs package added $194.31 not including the GT package and was the only none Shelby built Mustang during 1968. That sounds like a rare package to me.
I am surprise this artilce sliped pass me. I have been a member of MCA for over 10 years, I am glad I got the back issue . I am sure my orginal issues are still in boxes I haven't decided were to place them yet.

Thanks again all for your in put.

Bob Geco