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Winter Projects


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2003
My 'Little Red' project is in the paint shop getting a new coat of 1967 Ford Candyapple Red with a Argent silver tail light panel. The next items will be a Burton Aluminum dash (replicates the Deluxe Dash) and the engine. In the interest of accuracy, I should install a 428 CJ with a single Paxton supercharger. I have a picture of Little Red's engine sent to me from the the guy that resored the Green Hornet (attached). He evidently got the picture from Fred Goodall (sp). Instead I am looking at a 351W stroked to 408 to be supercharged when funds allow. The engine puts out approx. 500 HP but is 100 pounds lighter than the 428 and has fewer cooling problems.
PS Even though I resized the engine picture, uploading it failed


Nov 12, 2005
New Comer

Just purchased my CS last month. I had my eye on it for about 10 years then swooped in when the sale sign went up. This winter planning to learn the car. It isn't perfect, but it's clean. Looking forward to a tranny rebuild in spring, slips in 3rd. Had to park it this week due to snow.

This car was repainted a few years back and the painter apparently thought he was working on a Shelby. The stripe was placed low on the body. Any advice on removal? I'd feel much better if the stripe were in it's proper location. Also, any tips for winter storage would be appreciated.

I appreciate all of your attitudes with personalizing the cars. I should get a lifetime of fun from this car.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Oink said:
Just purchased my CS last month. I had my eye on it for about 10 years then swooped in when the sale sign went up. This winter planning to learn the car. It isn't perfect, but it's clean. Looking forward to a tranny rebuild in spring, slips in 3rd. Had to park it this week due to snow.

This car was repainted a few years back and the painter apparently thought he was working on a Shelby. The stripe was placed low on the body. Any advice on removal? I'd feel much better if the stripe were in it's proper location. Also, any tips for winter storage would be appreciated.

I appreciate all of your attitudes with personalizing the cars. I should get a lifetime of fun from this car.

A hair dryer or a heat gun will loosen the glue enough for you to be able to pull the stripe right off. Remove the remaining glue with wax and grease remover or any one of a number of adhesive removers. Home Depot has quite a selection.

How about posting a picture of the car before you remove the stripe. It'd be interesting to see how a GT/CS looks with a low stripe.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Like many others, I have plans during the christmas break that I want to do to my coupe. I am upgrading to "original" 68 disk brakes and also putting in all the underdash A/C stuff. I will wait until it starts to get hot to put in the A/C engine parts.
