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1968 Rocker panel molding clips (not) on front fender


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
While undergoing a repaint it became obvious that our CS, Scheduled build date of 4 - 03 had NO holes for a plastic rocker panel retaining clip on either front fender. The hole for the stud used in the front position on the moldings was there, just no place for the plastic clip that is shown in every Ford document that is at the rear of the front fender, just a bit in front of the junction with the front of the door. The fenders are dated to be correct for the car, there are no holes for the engine size badge which is consistent with CS manufacture. I am certain the fenders are original to the car and there is just no way that molding retainer could have ever been on the car, and both sides are the same. In your opinion is this something that Ford did on just the CS cars ? Evidence of this missing pair of holes in each fender show up on other CS cars - would you mind checking yours and see if there is a plastic clip in this position? I am curious if ALL CS cars have this clip omitted or just a certain batch manufactured in April of 68. Just curious about this little quirk. Also curious if this omission causes the molding to fit strangely or rattle or wear a spot in the paint. Thanks for any research you may provide.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Richard, are you saying that all of your cars have the two small holes punched for the plastic rocker molding clip on the front fender?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I don't think the fenders are supposed to have clip holes, only one large hole on each for the stud.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
The Ford assembly manual shows the second clip on the rear of the fender.