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Daily drivers, weekend drivers, annual drivers?


Active member
Nov 12, 2004
Daly City, Ca
Hello everyone! I'm new to this site, but have had my special for probably a year now. Right now it can be driven any time because it's in pretty sad (visually) shape. How many of you drive yours to work every day, or just on weekends etc... I want to restore mine back to as close to original as possible, but I don't want to get too picky because I just love driving these old cars like it was still the 60's! They are kind of a time machine for me, being 23 yrs old I missed all the really cool car days, but I have my little pieces of history and I like to use them every day. What are your thoughts?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I fix mine up like it was going to be in a car show and then I drive them, because that's what I enjoy, but because of the winters up here, only in the summer. If you restore yours, I recommend you save all the old parts and throw them in a box up on a shelf somewhere. Someday these cars will start going up in price a lot and if you ever sell, some people like having the original parts. Once they are gone, you can't get them back.
PS, welcome to the family.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2004
Conifer, Colorado
I drive mine weekends in the summer and once or twice to work on Fridays if the weather is good.

Whatever you decide I would recommend keeping it as original as possible and I agree, don't get rid of the old parts. Part of the value is it's history.

I also have a 1965 Vette Sting Ray that I drive. So many in that group have over restored their cars to trailer queen status that I believe they have lost some of the fun factor of owning one in the first place. Oh well, my two cents worth, Mark.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Our mustangs get driven on weekends to car shows and other outings during the summer months. I will drive the CS to work on occasion if the weather is nice and if there is room to park it inside the building.
I have to agree with Mark. The wisest thing to do is restore it to it's stock, original condition and keep all the original parts. It's the best way for a classic car to hold it's value and desirability.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Well folks it's now 34 degrees here in Ohio and we just got back from dinner and yes, we drove the CS. You should have seen the folks gathered around the car when we came out from the restaurant. Everybody had questions. I drive mine year round as long as the roads are dry and snow free. I didn't put it back together to let it sit or be trailored. I have nothing against trailored cars but, I figure if I'm spending the money to restore it then I want the pleasure of driving it. But, that's just me. I'll have my 68 GT 390 Coupe out Saturday on it's way to the exhaust shop for some minor tweaks. These cars are made for enjoyment. Bottom line with me, I don't have my cars for profit, I have them to enjoy and to spank a "Bowtie" everynow and then.

Don ;D ;D ;D