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2005 Registry Update Thread


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
The first book was the GT/California Special Recognition Guide & Owners Manual (1989) - the cover and back cover was color with Paul's car on the front. The pages were B&W. It was a bound book.

The second book was the GT/CS 1996 Registry. It is all B&W, and spiral bound.

Thanks, Casey


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
Hi to all mustang fans,
Look around for any other printed material--A Marti report for example--how long do you wait for one??

The last deluxe report I got (5/09) was emailed to me within 36 hours, and I received the hard copy in the mail a couple of days later.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
The first book was the GT/California Special Recognition Guide & Owners Manual (1989) - the cover and back cover was color with Paul's car on the front. The pages were B&W. It was a bound book.

The second book was the GT/CS 1996 Registry. It is all B&W, and spiral bound.

Thanks, Casey

All right, you guys are correct, I have them both but I rarely refer to them, again I'm not the detail type and I don't do car shows, guess I should have dug them out of what ever dark deep corner I have them stuffed and checked before I commented.

It used to be kind of neat to think that my car is in the book under my name, not so much of a big deal anymore. Just makes me feel old.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
....I gave mine away after our last go around here. I know I could've sold them, but they came with a car I purchased and at the time, I was pretty fed up with the "under his thumb" behavior of Mr. Newitt...

Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
It all comes down to cost. Printing a hardcover would be expensive.

However, I'll look into it.

Paul N.

Hi Paul

Great to see you hang around at this site again. Really missed you. I know getting a hard cover version costs and arm and leg, been there done it. I'm curious now, howmany CS's are in the registry now? Are you self publishing your book or are you having a printer do it? If the questions are stupid, please forgive me, I've been out of the loop myself.

Best Regards,


Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
I agree there will be many more built than registered.

On the average about a quarter of the vehicles built are the survivors. So if there were only 4200 of the CSs built you've probably looking at slightly over a thousand of the vehicles still in existence while the rest are extinct. Unless the CS has been exceptionally a favorite to keep off the roads and other hazards, you'd be lucky to see about a 3rd of them in existence.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Here's the latest from SAAC

"I appreciate Ron's help and enthusiasm, and these numbers look interesting. Anyone with a late model CS should see his site and register.

The source I have is from Ford, and I think that the foreign orders can tweak the actual numbers. I forwarded your numbers for comfirmation from my source.

I have yet to get the 2009 numbers, but they ARE low, due to early 2010 production. If you can get a '09 CS with white stripes, you've got a rare one!

I've asked for more breakdowns, like colors and transmission type from my source--for my book.

Thanks, Ron for your help, and thanks, Frank for posting it.

Paul N."


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
All right, you guys are correct, I have them both but I rarely refer to them, again I'm not the detail type and I don't do car shows, guess I should have dug them out of what ever dark deep corner I have them stuffed and checked before I commented.

It used to be kind of neat to think that my car is in the book under my name, not so much of a big deal anymore. Just makes me feel old.


No problem Cory - I see now you just had them reversed! :cool:


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Hi Paul

Great to see you hang around at this site again. Really missed you. I know getting a hard cover version costs and arm and leg, been there done it. I'm curious now, howmany CS's are in the registry now? Are you self publishing your book or are you having a printer do it? If the questions are stupid, please forgive me, I've been out of the loop myself.

Best Regards,


That post you quoted from Paul was from almost 4 years ago. That from 11/2005.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
No more refunds!

Notice: As of today, June 20th, 2009 , preorders sent to me for the GT/CS book will no longer qualify for refunds. This is due to the ongoing, and current investment commitments for the licensing, insurance and printing for the book. This notice supersedes any previous offers or statements.

Thank you for your ongoing support!!

Paul M. Newitt.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Latest update

Book Update--6/26

HEY!! Just back from a trip down the Appalachain Trial (I didn't know it went all the way to Argentina!)....LOL!

First here is a list of what has been completed as of today:

All Interviews
All basic page layouts/ borders, page numbers, graphics
All Photos taken/ received
Three file cabinets of filed book sections ready for research (my room's a TOTAL mess!!! Diet Coke cans, cheetos bags, dirty socks, etc...AAHHH!!!)

Specific Chapters Status:
Late Model, including History, production timeline, specific parts & OEM, pilot cars, incl 515 car, CHAMP GT/CS cars & lady drivers, AAI factory info, advertising & newspapers, brochures, Ford dealer photos, invoice explained, production numbers, specifications, accessoory list, stripe application dimentions and paint codes, Racing Packs, Shelby GT story, 2006 Mustang Calif. Edition. This chapter will really create interest in the late model version. Ready for review by my contacts at Ford today! WHEW!!

Need: performance & braking specs from Motor Trend of the 2005-2007 Mustang GT(Who's got it?) PM me.

Green Hornet--just to button up some details from new information. Have all photos, and will have paint codes. Need to ask Martin Euler a few questions.

Little Red-- just need info/perf specs on twin Paxtons (Carroll's Cobra) from a late 1960's Road & Track . Who has that copy??

"Introduction" through "Marketing" (pp. 1-73) are the next chapters to complete after Late Model, GH and LR next week.

Month of July in "crunch month", which includes completion of chapters on pre-production, recognition, restoration and the registry. I'm getting help with lining up the registered cars, and photos (I have everything that everyone's ever sent to me).

I have to make a trip to an Automotive paint store in San Jose that's got about every color book known to man! I have a big list of requests for paint codes. Everything!!!

I'm in the process of selling my GT/CS, I'll be posting it soon in the SAAC Classifieds, after I complete some more work on the book. This is 100% my own decision.

A side note--- maybe someone can forward this info to CS.com. I haven't forgotten all of you over there. So, don't feel neglected. My time and motivation is better fueled here at SAAC, but that doesn't mean that I "abandoned" you. My #1 priority is the book, and I hope you all understand that. I'm doing this book partly for the love of this car from hundreds of enthusuasts like you, which has become a HUGE, HUGE undertaking. So, please be patient. It will be worth the wait. And I'll keep you posted..

Thanks to all--gotto go! If I seem like I fell off the face of the earth, it's cause I'm locked in my room!!!
Paul M. Newitt

p.s. the Shelby American summer 09 issue article on the GT/CS (8 pp) will be coming up soon through the SAAC site. Just Completed--neat stuff!!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Latest quasi-update

GT/CS Registrar
Full Member
Posts: 123

Re: New: GT/CS Recognition Guide & Owner's Manual Book
« Reply #41 on: Today at 09:11:08 PM » Quote

Another book update is forthcoming in a day or two.

What I can tell you is that the second "lump sum" payment for the Ford license was made last week. :-(

I spent a week of evenings sorting and filing the Registry. About 900 filed into eight--three inch wide binders. I now have 260 copies of owner's Marti Reports in a separate 2" binder. I also have every GT/CS Registered on CS.com. As a reminder--I will not accept any registrations via email.

I noticed a production gap while sorting the Registry--never before found. In the (8R01_ )144,000 through 146,000 series there are no GT/CS cars produced (except a straggler or two). The Ford Party on Feb 15th--and the dealer orders had everything to do with that descrepency. The largest CS production was during the month of March.

I also need to find a good video editor and composer (in SF Bay area) for some neat "California" progressive, yet period sounding music for the DVD. Kinda like the style of "Fall Out Boy". More on that later, too.

"California Made It Happen!!"

Paul N.