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Picked up my car!


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Well today was the day. I picked up my CS:icon_lol: . It still has SO much work to be done but the paint looks great. Stripes aren't perfect, but I'm ok with them. The front seats needed new foam but now I bang my head everytime I get in and I sit too high. The upohlstry guy said he can take some foam off, but I should give it time to settle. Anyone had this problem? It had to go back in for the rear belt installation- they were back ordered but they're on their way. I also want a few small scratches buffed out. I figure I'll keep it for a week and make a list of the 'bugs' that have to be worked out. Got some pictures today. It's with my 35mm (I haven't moved into the digital world yet) so hopefully I'll get them posted in a few days. You all have been great with advice, thanks so much!:grin:


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Thats great to hear Sara. Its always a good feeling to have your car in your own garage again. So the stripes are`nt perfect? I guess they are pretty hard to get on straight. Hope its not too bad. Make em fix it if they`re too crooked. I`m so excited for you. Someday I`ll be doing the same with mine. Congratulations!!!!!!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I have to say I'd make them put the stripes on straight also. You'll find your eye drawn to it everytime you look at the car and it'll bug you. As for the seat foam, mine is the same way. I only have 500 miles on mine since finishing it and I'm hoping it squishes down. I feel like I'm sitting on a pillow.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I wish my seats were like that. I`m only 5 ft 1in and have trouble seeing over the steering wheel the way it is. Don`t ask me how I push in the clutch and shift at the same time. It can be a real work out. Plus I don`t have power steering either,LOL.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
The stripes aren't too bad. Let me know what you think when I post the pictures. I have a question about the tail light bezels. The trim around mine is black (and worn). I looked through the gallery and see that most have chrome trim, but I did see a few with black. So what is the deal? Are the chrome ones reproductions? Or re chromed?


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
luisa2552 said:
The stripes aren't too bad. Let me know what you think when I post the pictures. I have a question about the tail light bezels. The trim around mine is black (and worn). I looked through the gallery and see that most have chrome trim, but I did see a few with black. So what is the deal? Are the chrome ones reproductions? Or re chromed?

Hey Sara: Congrats on getting your car back. Yes, the bezels around your tail light lenses should be all chrome. If they are worn out, I would replace them with reproductions available at most mustang suppliers. If they were placed on your car by a previous owner with flat black surrounding the perimeter of the bezel, you'll have to take laquer thinner and remove the black paint. The correct bezel for a GT/CS is all chrome. Good luck as you proceed with your project. Let us know if you need additional help.