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Marshall fog lights identification


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
my California special was build on february and it has marshall foglights, but I was reading about the marshall fog lights in this site and my foglights don't seen to match the numbers. when i was cleaning them the number that they display were 653/88 1379 do you know if they are correct??? also int he little sticker inside the lights it also has the number.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
it would seem that you have 653's on the car instead of the correct 656's. I would just keep the 653's on it until you can find a pair of 656's. Like I have said in the past, it is very difficult to tell the difference from 5 feet away, they look almost identical. The numbers you gave, I assume are from the inner housing, does the lense have "656" in the upper left corner? Just asking becuase someone might have changed out the housing but kept the lenses.
