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1968 All new book updates posted on saac ?


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
I do not concern myself with when the book will be out nor do I need any updates on it. When Paul publishes the book and I recieve my copies in the mail it will be a welcome surprise.

I am tired of seeing the "bashing" of Paul concerning his untimely publishing of the book. I believe that is part of the reason he chose to leave this site.

One of the things I have always loved about this site is the friendly atmosphere and the feeling of family I have here. I also cherish the freindships I have made here.

I really would like to see the "bashing and flaming" concerning this subject end. It does no good and will not get the book to us any faster.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Is "bashing" the correct terminology?

I see it more as accountability, some members have entrusted small investments in the book others have entrusted large investments in the book, in the thousands of $$. At some point there needs to be some accountability and I think it's up to Paul to answer that accountability, right here where he lured the investors in, he lured those investors into thier investment and they have received no return and now they don't even get to speak to him because he doesn't want to stand up and be accountable.

Leaving rather than focusing on the situation or issue did not help this cause it perpetuated it.



Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
I just do not think this is the place to try and talk to Paul, since he has made it clear he is not here. Jon has given all of us the info on how to contact Paul.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
I just do not think this is the place to try and talk to Paul, since he has made it clear he is not here. Jon has given all of us the info on how to contact Paul.

I'd say he's here based on his history I don't think he could survive without it.



Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...More of the same "wake up" call in response to more of the same rhetoric Marion, nothing more or less. With Paul, it goes deeper than mere timeliness of his book. Whether he goes to another public site or dis-appears altogether, people who placed their trust in him have the right to comment accordingly. Any and all criticism can be easily thwarted with action and due consideration.

Wise counsel of your friend may be to remind him of this vs trying to convert the masses to behave special to him... After all, he has a long history of promising the moon on the backs of many here. I personally don't have a problem with people who have something to say about that, nor does it make us any less "family"...

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Cory/Tim/Rhonda/Donna/Neil/Arlie/Rich/Amy/Scott/Doug/Jon/John/And any I missed on this thread,

You ALL see it as I see it. We should stay silent no longer. Paul chose to leave this site, which is the true repository and the only undisputed authority on these cars. We own the history, and this site (Jon Hanna’s), owns the contents of this collective group. The total knowledge base on these cars. Paul has mined this site for most of his information and now claims that it is his. He owns nothing!

We are all equals in our love for this car. Paul has chosen that that is not enough for him in his world. He mistakenly feels that he is the reason for this cars continued following. We are nothing more than a following of one offshoot of the Mustang line. Albeit IMHO, one of the greatest offshoots equal to Shelby or Boss Mustang’s, no more no less. Did the 65 Mustang die? Has the following for the 74 to 78 Mustang II cars died? NO!!! The T5, the Sprint, the Mach I’s. NO!! The MUSTANG is the following!! Not a collector of its history!

How can this egotistical man feel he is the savor of the GT/CS? Certainly he has compiled a lot of history, but this history is not his, nor did it save the GT/CS. Did it help, absolutely, but this GT/CS site did way more! Paul claims that the value of your GT/CS today is the result of him. OH PLEASE!

IT IS THE CARS HISTORY!! Not his, not ours!! We would all still own these cars for the most part even if Paul had never collected one piece of its history!!

To make statements that the NEW GT/CS is his doing is delusional. How sad that he feels that way. And Paul feels he has been snubbed by Ford itself! Get a grip….

I am sorry Marion. I have no bone to pick with you and you have always been supportive of the collective group. None of any of this is directed at you. I have ventured onto the SAAC site, as much as Paul is daily on our site, reading these very words as I type. He has dissed all of us in his new home. His comments on the SAAC site many times conclude that the information is copyrighted and Paul’s alone. Give me a break! Read his words they tell the true story. Paul severed most of all the friendships he once had. All to try to elevate himself to something he will never attain. His pandering of the Shelby crowd is nearly laughable. His attempt to join them via “Little Red” is comical. As Neil said, who cares about Little Red in the grand scheme of GT/CS history. To delay “his” book based on its research. A footnote would be fine. He has taken money from many people on this site for pre-orders of his book. And more members donated money over and above that. If he stayed the course and stayed with us and been an equal, all would have worked out. Now he “owns” our information! Time for our money back if he feels the cars history is his.

He had most of or our respect at one time. He never needed to do anything more but be a part of the cars history. To nurture it and watch it grow as a plant or a child. To be proud of just that. Too bad that was not enough for Paul. Now that is all gone. Just enjoying the car and its collectors was not enough.

What a sad commentary on what happens when one believes he is no longer an equal, but an owner of history. Something bigger than the people who enjoy the car…..

Does anyone reading this post see the words “me”, “I”, or “mine”???? Other than the opening sentence and the accrn IMHO…… Gosh, what a concept. We, us, ours……



Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Look everyone, I understand your frustration. And I understand that it's probably been pent up for a while. But Paul is no longer on this site. Which means he has no way to defend himself or to respond to any or your concerns or comments in this forum.

So because of that I don't think we need to continue to complain/bash/vent about someone who is no longer here. You have his contact info in the sticky post I made at the top of this forum. If you have something to say to him then that's the way to do it. If you want to discuss your payment for his book or check on status email him or post on the SAAC forum.

As many of you have pointed out this site is about the cars and the people, not about any one individual. So let's keep it that way and focus on what we enjoy.



Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia
Paul's access/rights to registry info


Just wondering what the relationship was between registry here on the site and Paul being the "GT/CS Authority and Registrar". I've joined the registry here and just wondered if Paul copied it for his book.



Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
I've tried to make this clear on the registry pages, but the registry here on the site is not intended to be a new registry by any means. It's just another way to add more cars to Paul for the official registry. I periodically print out the cars who have registered here on the site and mail them to Paul.

So if you enter your info into the registry form here on the site it will eventually get to Paul and be included in the official Registry. But if you want to make absolutely sure it gets to Paul quickly then you should mail it to him directly. His contact info is in the sticky at the top of the forums here.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Out of curiousity.

What makes a registry "Official"?

Is it just the one that is recognized as such by most people?

I'm asking about registries in general, not just for the CS and HCS...



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL

My take is that it is a volunteer job to gather all the data. Eventually the data gathered is built into the official registry. The person running and maintaing the registery would then be the 'registrar' of the registry. The person running the registry can change - thus the registrar is the person volunteering to run the registry. Some registrars volunteer for a long time.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005

My take is that it is a volunteer job to gather all the data. Eventually the data gathered is built into the official registry. The person running and maintaing the registery would then be the 'registrar' of the registry. The person running the registry can change - thus the registrar is the person volunteering to run the registry. Some registrars volunteer for a long time.


We also have a registry on this site. So the question becomes whether the official registry should be the one that can be accessed and updated real-time, or the one that is updated and accessible every 10 years?


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY

My take is that it is a volunteer job to gather all the data. Eventually the data gathered is built into the official registry. The person running and maintaing the registery would then be the 'registrar' of the registry. The person running the registry can change - thus the registrar is the person volunteering to run the registry. Some registrars volunteer for a long time.


Hi Casey,

I get that, for the most part. But still doesn't answer the question about what is the "real" or "official" one.

What if John Doe decided he wanted to start his own registry and do all of the above ... what then determines what is the "official" registry.

I'm sure this has happened with car registries over the years. Was just curious as to what determines which is recognized as the "official" one.

Is it a matter of acceptance or some other criteria. Is it first to the table?

For the most part you usually only see one registry.

But even here we have this registry on the site which is included in Paul's book with data people sent to him and which included late model cars. But there is also another late model GT/CS registry at another site.

Example - I did a quick web search and found 2 1969 Mustang registries on two different sites.

I just started thinking about it when I saw Jon's post and was curious as to what people thought or have seen.
With the internet I'm sure there are more and more duplicate registries floating around.

I think the Shelby registry is probably one of the most widely known. My thought is a lot of that is all the work they do to prove authenticity but just my thought.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
SAAC has been a big money making proposition for one individual for many years. And that person's name is not Carroll Shelby.

In most car clubs there is often one or two individuals who try and use the organization for personal gain. Normally it is the president of the club who is able to make car purchase deals for himself. Being the primary club contact from those non members looking to sell rare enthusiast cars, memorabilia collections, and cars and parts from estates. These club officials are thought to be trusted and honest persons making appraisals on these cars and car related items. I have witnessed it many times, these guys gloat about the 'deals' they made and laugh about paying pennies on the dollar for cars.

I have no problem with someone wishing to write a book from researched material and freely volunteered and shared information from the web. My issue comes after a book is written and that freely volunteered and shared information part of the book, all of a sudden becomes proprietary and copyrighted information.

See where I am headed with this? A pay to maintain and pay to belong registry like at SAAC. You have to be official to belong.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
SAAC has been a big money making proposition for one individual for many years. And that person's name is not Carroll Shelby.

In most car clubs there is often one or two individuals who try and use the organization for personal gain. Normally it is the president of the club who is able to make car purchase deals for himself. Being the primary club contact from those non members looking to sell rare enthusiast cars, memorabilia collections, and cars and parts from estates. These club officials are thought to be trusted and honest persons making appraisals on these cars and car related items. I have witnessed it many times, these guys gloat about the 'deals' they made and laugh about paying pennies on the dollar for cars.

I have no problem with someone wishing to write a book from researched material and freely volunteered and shared information from the web. My issue comes after a book is written and that freely volunteered and shared information part of the book, all of a sudden becomes proprietary and copyrighted information.

See where I am headed with this? A pay to maintain and pay to belong registry like at SAAC. You have to be official to belong.

Cougar, this has been my observation, contention and resistance all along. Especially after being asked to volunteer that information, assist and even perform the research (originally as a cooperative group effort), and then reach a place where you are illegitimized and driven apart (on & off line) unless you become "official" (and in our case, completely submissive) in the eyes of the so-called registrar.

I believe the SAAC model you describe has been the sole motivation behind this "book" business from the beginning and if consistent, we will be "slapped" any time we share anything that may be in it when released, even though it largely originated with this group. Here-go; a future stagnation (and division) within the website between those who feel they need to be "official" and those who see the folly in it.

An on-line and update-able registry in our small and friendly niche would go a lot further as "official" IMO.
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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia
How dead horse would it be if Jon did a paul?

As a child I played cricket with the neighbourhood kids in the church yard next door. One kid got bowled but decided he wasn't out and threw a tantrum - took the bat and went home. But it was my cricket bat...

While I haven't been here long and certainly have no vested interest in the site other than enjoyment and appreciation for the people here, their generosity and the love of the car (including Paul when he was around). Having said that, the statement of the information here being owned by Paul and on loan from him would drive me go to the mats!

But, it seems you are a much nicer bunch of people than I and suppose that's why it is so welcoming here. Just feels like someone is taking advantage of that as Cougar and Tim suggest. Not like those cringe-worthy barnfinds but for information and the collective knowledge here.