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1968 How do you top a 620 mile day?


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
Well, you do 700!! So day three is in the books and it was a long but excellent driving day. Weather was superb (read: not too hot), roads were dry and car ran well! What more could you ask for??

Actually, the length of my day had more to do with a stop at the "Rupp Museum of exquisite Mustangs" than distance to be covered.
I dropped in at 10 a.m. sharp after a quick 4 hour drive down from Sioux Falls to Weeping Water NE. I had INTENDED to stay but 1 hour in order to see Marty's cars BUT it didn't quite turn out that way! I needed 2.5 hrs to tour the collection and have luch with Marty's dad......and that was the expedited tour!!!
OMG! My two favourite colour '68 Mustangs were on display....Marty's recently
acquired Royal maroon GTCS with red interior as well as his fathers Presidential Blue GTCS with blue interior. Sadly I forgot my wallet in my other pants and wasn't able to swing a deal for either-- although judging by Marty's dad's take on things, that Presidential Blue car isn't going ANYWHERE anytime soon.....and I can't blame him~~~ its a sight to behold!

Much thanks to Marty and his father for their warm welcome and for their dedication to the Mustang preservation society.

OH, and did I mention I got to sit in a Shelby GT 350? I can die now.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
It was a pleasure meeting Stephen yesterday. I enjoyed showing him our family cars but really enjoyed his reaction to my parts room. I could tell he was ready to go shopping.
Stephen is one the rare Mustang owners that is not afraid to put his pony on the road and use it like it was intended. 700 miles is more miles than most put on their cars in a year. Hats off to Stephen the road warrior!


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
That is a great story indeed ! I can't imagine driving my Cal Spec for 700 miles............I'm too spoiled with today's "creature features" in automobiles.
However, I did recently install a total new under dash AC system by Vintage Air.
What a world of difference driving with AC vs. a 2 50 summer unit !